
Showing posts from May, 2024

Hours. Minutes. Seconds.

There are no bounds to the extraordinary entities that swim through the dark abyss that our universe is. Picture the endless amounts of stars, galaxies and, the unidentified and unexplorable. The existence of human lives in this vast space could be considered just as significant as a single electron particle on our very own Earth. Maybe, even lesser.  Now picture yourself- your dreams, ambitions, relations, problems and your life. Its only as much importance you decide to give to something that it can hold. Not more, not less. You decide the worth of your belongings. Really, what importance does everything hold?  Why am I saying this today? Well, its easy. I just wish more people learned to life their life freely, to spend their days of existence with a joyous smile on their face and to make the best of whatever they have despite the mental and societal bounds of the world.  Start doing everything you've been postponing, start taking little risks everyday, go on that trip you'v